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ASSIGNMENT FOUR - More information for TEYL teachers

1. Why are seasonal themed activities good learning experiences for young students?

2. What would a fun December activity be in a country that does not celebrate Christmas?

3. Why are lesson plans important for both new and experienced teachers?

4.How does one get started writing a lesson plan?

5.What are the three primary functions of a lesson plan?

6.What are the five mistakes that teachers make when developing lesson plans?

7. What individuals do you think a young class would like to see come to talk to them?

8. You have a grade one class of 22 students and are planning an outing for them to celebrate the end of the term. What would you like to do and what do you have to think about?

9. How can you gather information about a child's progress that will be meaningful and that you can share with the child's parents without subjecting the child to on-demand testing?

10. What factors related to the personality of the learner may also affect the language acquisition process?

11. Define 'self-esteem' as it applies to students.

12. Why is 'risk-taking a good characteristic in language learners?

13. Why is encouragement important in young learners?

14. How should a teacher 'criticize' a student?

15. Why is problem-solving is a very important process that young children have to learn?

16. What steps should you follow in teaching students how to solve problems?

When you have finished your assignment, click (ONCE ONLY) on SUBMIT.  Your assignment will be sent to us.  As with many institutes, we do not grade assignments. The instructor will contact you to acknowledge receipt of your assignment. It will be judged 'satisfactory' or 'in progress'.  In the latter case, the instructor will discuss with you what needs to be done to bring it up to the 'satisfactory' level.

Once approved, your certificate of completion will be sent to you within a few days.  Please be sure that you filled in your name and student number above.

Congratulations!  You have now completed the course!

Learning is a lifelong process. We thank you for taking this course in Teaching English to Young Learners and hope your new knowledge will benefit you in your teaching career.

Teaching Young Kids (article)
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